Sunday, July 14, 2013

We Over Me Farm Summer Classes -- 07/13/13 at Paul Quinn College

Join the Paul Quinn College WE Over Me movement! Learn how to start and maintain your own urban garden and/or farm. Join us for five classes through August.

Class 1: June 22 Soil Biology Field Prep, Layout & Design From seed to soil, start growing on your very own plot of land! Learn from the experts about soil testing and what is in your soil as well as field care, design and layout, prep, planting techniques, maintenance, pest control, composting, and harvest techniques.

Class 2: July 13 Food Preservation Preserving food is a fun process that gives us the taste and nutrition of our hard work and bountiful harvest year round! During this session, we will harvest and practice canning, pickling, freezing, dehydrating, and fermenting techniques.

Guest Instructor: 24 Carrot Health's Lisa Staffelback, CHHC, AADP, personal chef, cooking instructor and health coach

Class 3: July 27 Greenhouse Greenhouse production can be a game changer for a farm, financially. We will review greenhouse selection, set-up, and maintenance. Students will also get hands-on training for starting seeds, tending to seedlings, bumping up to 4-inch pots, and propagation techniques as well as creating a spring and fall plant sale to generate revenue.

Class 4: August 10 Farm Animals Bees, chickens, fish, and worms, oh my! Keeping up with livestock is a fun and rewarding task. During this session, we will take a look at taking care of urban-approved animals. We will go from design to layout of their homes to how to choose them and what to feed them. This week will show you how to benefit from using animals in an urban setting.

Class 5: August 24 Fruit Orchard Office-to-Idea Are you interested in growing ripe Texas peaches, apples, or pears in your backyard? We will teach you how to select trees, pick the ideal spot to plant and care for fruit trees. A working farm is a small business enterprise but even if you're a hobby farmer, we will teach keeping track of when, what and how much you grow. You will also learn record-keeping, financial, marketing, and social media skills. We will also teach tips about grant-writing for schools and non-profits!

Daily Schedule 9-10 a.m.: Sign-In, Tour and Practical Applications 10-11 a.m.: Class Lecture 11 a.m.-noon: Culinary Nutrition Cost: $45 per class

Information from venue


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