Monday, October 15, 2012

SEO Checklist for Web Page Design - Business Directory listings

Website Name ? Your website name should be brandable (example: Google, Amazon, Yahoo!, and so on.), simple to say, and even better to remember. Don?t worry too much about stuffing keywords into your web site name. Keywords in domain names do not have the punch they used to.

www or not www ? The decision is down to you, /, pick one and keep it up. I suggest using the www as the basic Joe Schmoe Web server has a tendency to type in www, anyway.

Simple Design ? Don?t re-create the wheel. If your design is complicated, probabilities are it'll hinder your visitors ? ability to navigate and view the site and it will slow down development. The faster the better. You can even utilise Google Places now Google Plus Local.

Don?t create directories further than three levels down from the root index ? The closer pages are to the default page in the catalog structure the better. Keep things organised but do not overorganize. If you have one file or sub-directory in a list there should be a VERY acceptable reason.

File/Directory Names Using Keywords ? Your filenames and catalog names should feature keyphrases. If your page is about Idaho potatoes then the filename should be idaho-potatoes.

Static URLs ? Static URLs are URLs that are not dynamically generated. A static URL looks like and dynamic URLs look like http://www.EXAMPLE/index.htm?page-name=. You can make dynamic URLs spiderable by search sites but it's a lot easier to get things indexed with static URLs.

Think Little ? The littler your Web pages are, the speedier they load. A single page should be less than 15K (unless positively necessary) and the whole page including graphics should be less than 50K (unless definitely necessary). Remember, not everybody is on a high-speed Internet connection; there are still folks without a 56K modem.

Hyphens ? Use hyphens (-) and not underscores (_) to separate words in catalog and file names. Most search websites parse a hyphen like a reader would parse a space. Using underlines makes what_would_you_do look like whatwouldyoudo to most search sites. You need to definitely separate words in your URLs.

Navigation on Each Page ? You should place consistent navigation on each page of your Web site. Your navigation should link to the major sections of your Web site. It might also appear sensible for every page on your Internet site to link back to the home page.

Site Map ? You should make a site map that links to the major sections and sub-sections of your Internet site. The site map should be linked to from your Web site?s home page at the least. Preferably the site map should be linked to from every page. Endorse file names for your website map are ?sitemap.html? or ?site-map.html.?

Title ? The title of the page should be employed in the TITLE tag and at the top of every page. The title should be keyphrase heavy (containing a max of 7 to 10 words) and descriptive.

Outline META Tag ? Some people say META tags are dead but some search websites will actually use them underneath a pages title on search site result pages (SERPs). Use no more than 150 characters including spaces and punctuation. Your outline should be a keyword rich, complete sentence.

Keyword META Tag ? A listing of keywords that pop up in the page. Utilise a space to separate keywords (not a comma). Organize keywords how they might be searched for or as near to a complete sentence as possible. This tag is basically dead but by making it when you create the page it lets you come back eons later and realize what keywords you were specifically targetting. If the keyword doesn't appear at least twice in the page then it should not go in the Keyword META Tag. Additionally , try to restrict the number of total keywords to under twenty.

Androids META Tag ? Some search website crawlers abide by the Bots META Tag. This gives you some control of what appears in a search site and what does not. This is not an indispensable facet of SEO but it does not hurt to add it in.

Heading Tags ? Heading tags should be used if feasible and should be structured reasonably (H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6). You shouldn't start a page with an H2 tag. If H1 by default is too large then use CSS to style it efficiently. Remember that most search websites like to see a heading tag then text or graphics; not H1 followed right away by H2.

TITLE Attribute . ? Use the A HREF TITLE attribute. The TITLE attribute improves usability/accessibility. Be certain to include keywords as you see fit but recall it should tell your visitors where they'll go when they push the link.

ALT Tags ? Each image should have an ALT tag. Employ a keyword-rich outline of what the image is. If the image contains text use the text in the image. This is also an effectiveness/accessibility tool.

More text than HTML ? A page should have more text content than markup language. Anchor Text ? Anchor text is the text used to link to a page. Using keywords in anchor text is a very good idea and will improve a page?s performance in SERPs.

Use Text Links, Not Pictures ? If you're going to link to something use text. Text in images can not be read by search engines. The one time this rule does not apply is when you're linking to something with a well-known brand. Even then it?s still better to employ a text link. If you have to use an image as a link then make sure you give it a good ALT tag.

Gobs of Content ? The more content, the better. Having pages upon pages of original, applicable content is the best form of search engine optimisation.

Add New Content Often ? If you can add a new page of content each day then your internet site will stay fresh and give search engine crawlers a justification to continue coming back day in and day out.

Word Density ? This is a touchy topic among Web development experts and search site optimizers. Some say 5% is much more than enough. Chris Short claims that your main keywords shouldn't have a density of more than 30% and will be higher than the densities of other phrases and words.

Build It, Put It Online ? Your site should be built and in ?update mode? once it?s uploaded to your Web server. Don?t add a page at a time to your Website server when you're first building your Internet site. Build your Web site first then upload it. Add new content as required.

Use a robots.txt File ? Each good crawler looks for a robots.txt file in your root list. I might highly recommend making a legit robots.txt simply to placate these search websites and at the very least eliminate 404 inaccuracies from building up in your log files.

Endorsement ? Every page on your Web site should stick to W3C standards as closely as practicable. Some say page ratification can help your ranking in SERPs (the jury is still out on that one). But , standards compliant Web pages do help with cross browser compatibility.

Link Popularity ? Once your Site has been well established, it's time to build up your link acclaim. The more important inbound links a Site has, the better its rankings will be.

Research Traffic ? Read your log files frequently. Make sure you?re not getting traffic you don't want and getting traffic you do desire. Keeping a heartbeat on your traffic permits you to better optimise your pages.

NO TRICKS ? If it does not seem moral, then it's not a good idea. If it does not help your visitors, then don't do it.

NO FRAMES ? Don't use frames, ever.

NO Damaged LINKS ? Linking to pages that do not exist is a very bad thing. Search engines and folks alike hate that.

DotComSecrets Birmingham has various services that its clients rave about. These are SEO, PPC, Web Design, Facebook fan pages, ap development, social media marketing and reputation marketing.


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